Membership Information
Becoming a member of the Central Missouri Scale Modelers club is very easy!
Send an email to with the following information:
Phone Number
Email Address
The city you live in
Describe the kind of models you like to build
Come to one of our monthly meetings. The next meeting is always on the third Thursday of the month, at 6:30pm. We meet at the Sunrise Optimist Club clubhouse in Columbia, Missouri, USA. The clubhouse is located at 2410 Parker Street, Columbia, MO 65202, USA.
(Just north off of Vandiver Drive.)
Have fun participating:
Bring a recently completed model to a club meeting.
Get to know other members in the club.
Ask for topics to be presented at the club meeting so you can learn from others.
Help with a community outreach event to display your models.
Present a topic at the club meeting so you can share your talents and skills.
Have fun!
If you decide to become a member, club dues are $15 a year, paid to the Club Treasurer at any meeting.